Then about 9:30 Marc said he was too tired to drive home & needed to lay down and take a little nap so he wouldn't fall asleep at the wheel. OK, he grabbed a couple pillows, snuggled up with Jasmine. Soon Mau'i cuddled up in the crook of his legs. He slept until 11:15. What a Baby!
He asked me to make a list of things I'd make for Thanksgiving dinner at Dina's house. I don't think I told you about Dina. She is 8 yrs older than Marc. He is 31, she 39. Whe he started going out with her 6-8 weeks ago he asked me if I thought she was too old for him. I told him that women her age are emotionally more stable and less likely to flip out about the little things. She is also the single Mom of a 7 yr old Autistic son and with Marc having to deal with Learning Disabilties she said Marc is patient, talks one to one iwth the little guy when he gets out of control. She was telling me some of the things she has to do with help her son cope. Many of the things she described are things I had to do with Marc. I guess it's because both have to do witht the Neurological System. We talked about the daily structure, dealing with the educational system, foods & thier effects, & the supposrt systems we as single Mom's need to cope with a special needs child. Of course her situation is beyond what I dealt with. Marc wasn't expected to graduate for High School. Or is he did I was told by the Psycologist and counselors it would take 5-6 yrs instead of 4. Notonly did Marc graduate in 4 yrs he also attended Vocational school and got another diploma in Culinary Arts.
One Saturday Marc a & Dina came over and the 3 of us went out for pizza. OMG! The best pizza I've had since my trip to Chicago! Country Inn Pizza....AND they deliver!!
Dina was "delightful". And she has come with Marc to visit a more couple times when her son was visiting his father. Little guy doens't do well with strangers in a strange place. Thanksgiving I am going to their house as not to stress he out too badly.
More SnowBirds have arrived. The people the next lot up from me got here just before noon today. The man cleared the lot of leaves with a leaf blower. Blowing leaves & sand onto MY deck and patio that I had sweeped & tidied up last evening. Ugh! Well, I know from past experience that for the next 6 months he continue to blow sand and leaves on my patio. Then when he pulls his motor home out to go to lunch or dinner I have to get out my blower, clear my patio of sand, & blow it all back. His lot is all sand anyway, but it will be a "Battle of the Blowers"!
THEN he cant' just back into his lot without backing up over my nice grassy lot. AND before he backed today he removed 2 of the pavers on my walkway. I don't know why he backs up and has to drive over my lot to get to his. I may ask him one day.
The tag I worked on today.....
This was the tag I worked on today. I wanted to do another one tonight, but Marc was here and using my Laptop to go to his My Space account. He wants me to "pimp" his My Space with a template. Cool!
When Marc saw the above tag he said "Holy Shit! Look at those Boobies!!" What a GUY! LOL!