Monday, October 20, 2008




AND the
Tampa Bay Ray's are the American League Champions 2008

I held my breath for for the last 3 outs until we actually had the game.
Didn't want to see a repeat of Game 5. The boys worked so hard for this as they do every year, but it all came together this year.
Yes, this it Sweeeet!!

Now on to the WORLD SERIES!


D said...

cute graphic :) Congrats on the win and good luck

Chris/cacklinrosie101 said...

Really cool tag, Bethe! My son and I were sitting on the edge of our chairs. LOL..looks like I'm gonna get my "ray hawk." Better Hugs

Lisa said...

Wishing your team good luck, even though I live near Philly I am hoping the Rays win.

Cindi said...

sweet!!! goooooooo raaaayyssss!!!!

Missie said...

I'll be cheering for the Phillies at the world series!

Robin said...

Yahooo! Don't I wish we had tickets!

Shelly said...

bye bye Boston!! Hello Phillie!!!!

Sharon said...

I'm SO glad that Boston DIDN'T win! So very glad that Tampa Bay did woo hoo!!!! Nice taggie too!!