Wednesday, December 24, 2008


DEC 24 2008

I went to the Holiday Social tonight. It was a BYOB and a appetizer or dessert. I wasn't intending on going, but on the way back from doing laundry a couple I know asked me if I wanted to go and sit with them. I still had clothes on the line and took some guff for doing laundry on "Christmas Eve" day. But, my daughter will be here in a week and I needed to wash blankets and definitely the towels I used for drying the dog after her bath the other day.

I came home, put eggs on the stove for the deviled eggs for tomorrow, rinsed the shower curtain I had bleaching in the tub, took a quick shower. neighbor man stopped by to ask me if I wanted to go for a beer while I was folding the laundry. No, couldn't do tonight.

The social was nice, the eats delicious. My cookies were a hit.
I still have presents to wrap. The house is a mess. And my legs are burning and painful. Luckily, my son said he wouldn't get here until "11:30 to 1:30". Probably 2:30, but most likely 5:30. No worries though. I'm going to dinner in the Recreation Hall at 3. Marc or no Marc. I have no food defrosted, so he won't eat that's all. I'm putting my foot down and reminding him that time with his mother actually does come before his friends. Maybe it won't come to that.

DEC 25 2208


Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Sweetie! Hope your Christmas is a great one. Hugs, Alvia

Ruby said...

Merry Christmas! Love to you and the furrbabies(yonguejap)

Rose said...

Merry Christmas! Love the Marilyn graphic

Hugs, Rose

garnett109 said...

Peace To All
Merry Christmas And A Happy New Year

Chris/cacklinrosie101 said...

Merry Christmas, Bethe! I cleaned my familyroom last night like crazy. I got up this morning and thought it was the wrong Hope you have a wonderful day. Your graphics are just awesome! Love ya!

Sharon said...

Merry Christmas Bethe!

LYN said...

i did laundry Christmas eve's a Mum thiang...;-)

Joyce said...

I hope you had the best Christmas ever.
Hugs, Joyce

Lisa said...

Glad to hear you had a nice time at the social, I bet you are glad you went. I hope the pain eases in your legs for you, poor girl. :(